When do Homes Come on the Market??

When do new homes hit the market? This is a question we get all the time. We also get a whole lot of speculation about holidays and special events and their relationship to people's readiness to list their homes for sale. So we wanted to share some stats to really get to the bottom of this equation.

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In Marin County, the general rule of thumb is that the most new homes are listed for sale during the Spring and Summer months and this is because of weather patterns and  kids being out of school, making it easier to make family moving transitions during this time. So let's take a look at the numbers.

The graph below shows the number of homes for sale and new listings per month from the past 5 years in Marin County. Pay particular attention to the blue line for number of new listings.

You'll notice since 2015 the new listings hit a low each December, hovering a bit below the 100 mark. Then they ramp up around March and April, with a peak above 350, then dip down in mid-Summer likely due to Summer travel, then hit a slightly smaller peak again at the end of Summer, then fall dramatically in November down to December. 2020 was different in that we dealt with a major pandemic, which affected the busiest time in the market. Take a look at the graph below:

In April when new listings are usually near their peak, instead there was a dip during the shelter-in-place order. But as the business of real estate became essential, new listings shot up in May and continued to increase through September. Then they dropped down through November and hit a low in December.

So what can we take away from this? As is human nature, buyers often want a few exact dates for new homes to come on the market. But house-hunting requires patience and commitment to an often tedious process in order to find "the one." Keep the faith and come armed with the knowledge that most homes will gradually hit the market in the Spring and Summer months. So if you're weathering the grind during December, January and February, there is hope ahead! Check those listing alerts every day and stay positive when you see those toads coming through your emails. Most buyers are in the market for months and occasionally a year or two!

Just know we are here to support you through the search and supplement those MLS properties with some off-market opportunities as well!


naomi thorne
katherine thorne
| CHMS, Realtors®
katherine@thornehometeam.com | 415 717 0542 
naomi@thornehometeam.com | 415 559 5280 
511 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Greenbrae CA
hometeammarin.com | DRE# 01988116, 01988117
International President's Elite | Coldwell Banker


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