Selling Mom's House: Analysis Paralysis

Suddenly you're faced with the daunting task of selling an inherited property. The choices are overwhelming and you're in complete analysis paralysis. Do you update the whole house, do you update certain features, or do you save all the money and just sell it as is? These are the most common questions we get when sellers find themselves in this situation.

Of course, every home is a little different and we recommend meeting with an experienced Realtor® to get specific advice tailored to your property. But as a general rule of thumb, properties sell faster and for more money when buyers can imagine themselves living there. 

Imagine you're a buyer and you walk into a home with a stained carpet, bright colors on the walls, and a grimy kitchen and bathrooms. You probably wouldn't walk away thinking...I'd love to live in that house and offer my entire life savings to have it!

So as the seller, without breaking the bank, focus on the areas that would translate into big projects for a buyer. Buyers don't want PROJECTS! They want to feel excited and they want to imagine a life they never thought they could have.

Paint, flooring, cleanliness, new knobs, electrical outlets and switches can all go a long way! Check out our sale at 2 Taft Ct. This seller was selling his 99 year-old mother's house and we prepped it, staged it, and by the time it went on market it looked fresh and clean for the next owner.

Living room before and after below!


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