House-Hunting During the Coronavirus Pandemic

SF Chronicle Article - Thorne Home Team Photo by Ramin Rahimian [ This post was written before the Shelter in Place order was imposed on March 16, 2020 ] We’re certainly living through a scary time. All of our normal daily lives have screeched to a halt, from working remotely to not attending get-togethers to not shaking a new friend’s hand. We’re all on high alert and for those of you who are in the middle of house-hunting, you’re probably wondering exactly how to proceed with your search. Should you still go to open houses? Should you attend showings with your agent? Should you just look online? In real estate, we should apply the general guidelines set forth by the experts - social distancing, washing hands, and staying home when we are displaying any symptoms of the illness. According to the World Health Organization’s website, symptoms of the Coronavirus include “respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.” If you are feelin...